taxiway centerline marking câu
Taxiway C-4 would only require two 35 degree turns.Trong khi đó, đường lăn C-4 chỉ yêu cầu hai góc rẽ 35°. The trains cross over an ac...

Look... the new kid's marking time with the hoodsies.Xem này ... một thằng nhóc mới đang dậm chân tại chỗ này . TAUB: If you're done m...

runway centerline
It starts with green light at about the runway centerline to the position of first centerline light beyond the Hold-Short markings on t...

ce marking
According to the Regulation, the requirement for CE marking will apply to:Theo như Quy định, yêu cầu nhãn hiệu CE sẽ áp dụng cho: Do I...

identification marking
Identification Marking of Military Property.Nhãn đánh dấu tài sản quân đội B666/B666M-19 Standard Practice for Identification Marking ...

marking down
Also, there is no question of resetting the machine and marking down the achieve in the tournament.Cũng không có câu hỏi về việc đặt lạ...

marking machine
PREVIOUS You don't know the laser marking machine the beer bottle from the World CupBạn không biết máy đánh dấu laser chai bia từ World...

marking out
Like dogs marking out their territory.Như một con chó đánh dấu lãnh thổ của mình vậy. Nolan's schedule book just has a big "X" marking...

marking point
Whenever you’ve crossed 7-9 inches, put a dot or some kind of marking point into the soil.Bất cứ khi nào bạn đã vượt qua 7-9 inch, đặt ...

marking to market
There are some measurement issues related to marking to market derivative instruments every period.Có một số vấn đề về đo lường liên qu...

marking tool
ChalkUp integrates seamlessly with Google Apps for Education, making it an ideal marking tool for teachers who are already using Google...

marking up
Marking up lists always consist of at least 2 elements.Việc đánh dấu danh sách luôn bao gồm ít nhất hai phần tử. For marking up you ca...

A HTML tag has a special meaning for the browser, basically this is the method of marking-up the document.Thẻ HTML có ý nghĩa đặc biệt ...

mountain marking
This border runs in a long ark past Pakistan, Tajikistan and Kirgizstan, ending at Pik Pobedy, a 25,000-foot mountain marking the borde...

price marking
Position Marking: Futures contracts are marked according to the Fair Price Marking method.Position Marking: Hợp Đồng Tương Lai được đán...

road marking
Road marking 1.16.3: Enter the transit line.Vạch kẻ đường số 1.16.3: Đảo nhập dòng phương tiện. Road marking 1-10: Line is broken yell...

space marking
As for the script in which she writes, it binds her into visibility, fronting public space, marking danger, marking desire.Về những gì ...